

2023年08月28日 22:23  点击:[]


姓名:闫婧            出生年月:19923

学历:研究生          学位:博士

职称:讲师            学院:GG扑克官网

专业:高分子材料系    邮箱:[email protected]


2022.04-至今           GG扑克官网-GG扑克注册 讲师

2018.03 -2021.12        西北工业大学材料学工学博士

2019.11 -2021.11        新加坡国立大学联合培养博士


1. 电磁吸波材料

2. 电催化材料

3. 纳米复合材料






1. 西安工业大学科研启动项目,2022.042025.04,在研,主持

2. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2023.012024.12,在研,主持

3. 陕西省教育厅一般专项,2023.012024.12,在研,主持

4. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划青年项目,2024.04-2025.12,在研,主持

5. 陕西省科协人才托举计划,2025.01-2026.12,在研,主持


[1] Yan J, Ye Z, Chen W, Yang X, Guo Y, Huang Y. Construction of Two-dimensional Thick Sheet-like Carbide and Co Nanocrystals Heterostructure Toward Efficient Electromagnetic Wave Absorption[J]. Materials Today Physics, 2024: 101434. (IF=11.5)

[2] Yan J*, Zhao X, Chen W, Liu P. Zn-MOF-derived hierarchical carbon nanorods superstructures with tunable microwave absorption properties[J]. Materials Research Bulletin, 2024, 171: 112622. 中科2

[3] Yan J, Ye Z, Chen W, Liu P, Huang Y. Metal Mo and nonmetal N, S co-doped 3D flowers-like porous carbon framework for efficient electromagnetic wave absorption[J]. Carbon, 2023: 118563. (IF=11.307, TOP)

[4] Yan J*, Wang Y, Liu W, Liu P*, Chen W*. Two-Dimensional Metal Organic Framework derived Nitrogen-doped Graphene-like Carbon Nanomesh toward Efficient Electromagnetic Wave Absorption[J]. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2023, 643: 318-327. (IF=9.965, 中科1)

[5] Yan J*, Lu M, Chen W. Ni-MOF nanorods derived graphitic carbon encapsulated Sub10 nm Ni particles for boosting dielectric polarization and efficient electromagnetic wave absorption[J]. Synthetic Metals, 2023, 297: 117415.

[6] Yan J, Liu T, Liu X, Yan Y, Huang Y*. Metal-organic Framework-Based Materials for Flexible Supercapacitor Application[J]. Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2022, 452: 214300. (IF=24.833, 中科院1, ESI高被引)

[7] Yan J, Huang Y*, Zhang X, Gong X, Chen C, Nie G, Liu X, Liu P. MoS2 decorated/integrated carbon fiber: Phase engineering well-regulated microwave absorber[J]. Nano-Micro Letters, 2021, 13(1): 1-15. (IF=23.655, 中科院1)

[8] Yan J, Huang Y*, Yan Y, Ding L, Liu P*. High-performance electromagnetic wave absorbers based on two kinds of nickel-based MOF-derived Ni@C microspheres[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11(43): 40781-40792. (IF=10.383, 中科院1, ESI高被引)

[9] Yan J, Huang Y*, Han X, Gao X, Liu P. Metal organic framework (ZIF-67)-derived hollow CoS2/N-doped carbon nanotube composites for extraordinary electromagnetic wave absorption[J]. Composites Part B: Engineering, 2019, 163: 67-76. (IF=11.322, 中科院1, ESI高被引)

[10] Yan J, Huang Y*, Chen C, Liu X, Liu H. The 3D CoNi alloy particles embedded N-doped porous carbon foam for high-performance microwave absorber[J]. Carbon, 2019, 152: 545-555. (IF=11.307, 中科院1, ESI热点, ESI高被引)

[11] Yan J, Huang Y*, Liu X, Zhao X, Li T, Zhao Y, Liu P. Polypyrrole-Based Composite Materials for Electromagnetic Wave Absorption[J]. Polymer Reviews, 2020: 1-42. (IF=14.536, 中科院1)

[12] Yan J, Huang Y*, Yan Y, Zhao X, Liu P. The composition design of MOF-derived Co-Fe bimetallic autocatalysis carbon nanotubes with controllable electromagnetic properties[J]. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2020, 139: 106107. (IF=9.463, 中科院1)

[13] Yan J, Huang Y*, Wei C, Zhang N, Liu P. Covalently bonded polyaniline/graphene composites as high-performance electromagnetic (EM) wave absorption materials[J]. Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing, 2017, 99: 121-128. (IF=9.463, 中科院1)

[14] Yan J, Huang Y*, Zhang Z, Liu X. Novel 3D microsheets contain cobalt particles and numerous interlaced carbon nanotubes for high-performance electromagnetic wave absorption[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 785: 1206-1214. (IF=6.371, 中科院2)




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