姓名:董浩 出生年月:1990年7月
学历:博士研究生 学位:工学博士
职称:讲师 邮箱:hdong@mail.nwpu.edu.cn
2016年至2020年 西北工业大学 博士
2014年至2016年 西北工业大学 硕士
2010年至2014年 西安工业大学 学士
2021年1月至今 西安工业大学 讲师
2、陕西省教育厅青年创新团队科研计划项目(No. 23JP063),高强耐热铸造铝基复合材料及其应用技术,2023-01至2024-12, 5万元,主持
3、陕西省科技厅自然科学基金青年项目(No. 2022JQ-500),高强高导和高热稳定纳米结构Ag/Cu层状材料的可控制备研究,2022-01至2023-12, 5万元,主持
4、中央军委科技委基础加强计划(No. G20210617),****的机理研究与应用,2020年11月至2024年11月,252万元,参与
5、国家国防科工局***替代专项(No. 51771153),***铝合金铸件研制,2017-1至2021-12,2523万元,参与
[1] H. Dong, Y.Z. Chen, K. Wang, G.B. Shan, Z.R. Zhang, K. Huang, F. Liu. In situ observation of remelting induced anomalous eutectic structure formation in an undercooled Ni-18.7 at.% Sn eutectic alloy, Scripta Materialia 177 (2020) 123-127 (ESI“Hot Paper”论文;ESI高被引论文).
[2] H. Dong, Y.C. Guo∗, Y.Z. Chen, F. Xia, Q.Q. Guo, Q. Chen, G.L. Li, J.Y. Zhao, Y. Zhong, J.P. Li. On the mechanism of Si-promoted destabilization of TiCx particles in Al alloys, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 165 (2023) 17-26.
[3] H. Dong, Y.C. Guo, D. Zhu, G.B. Shan, G.Y. Yang, Y.Z. Chen, In situ observation of destabilization of a nanostructured Ag/Cu multilayer fabricated via multicomponent accumulative roll bonding, Materials & Design 236 (2023) 112487.
[4] H. Dong, Y.Z. Chen, Y.C. Guo, G.B. Shan, G.Y. Yang, L.K. Huang, F. Liu, Q. Li. A nanostructured Ag/Cu multilayered composite exhibiting high hardness and high electrical conductivity prepared by a novel multicomponent accumulative roll bonding, Materials Characterization 196 (2023) 112613.
[5] H. Dong, Y.Z. Chen, Z.R. Zhang, G.B. Shan, W.X. Zhang, F. Liu. Mechanisms of eutectic lamellar destabilization upon rapid solidification of an undercooled Ag-39.9 at.% Cu eutectic alloy, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 59 (2020) 173-179 (期刊封面论文).
[6] H. Dong, Y.Z. Chen, G.B. Shan, Z.R. Zhang, F. Liu. On the nonequilibrium interface kinetics of rapid coupled eutectic growth, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 48 (2017) 3823-3830.
[7] H. Dong, Y.Z. Chen, K. Wang, G.B. Shan, Z.R. Zhang, W.X. Zhang, F. Liu. Modeling remelting induced destabilization of lamellar eutectic structure in an undercooled Ni-18.7 at.% Sn eutectic alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 826 (2020) 154018.
[8] Q. Chen*, H. Dong*, Y. Xie, Z.X. Yan, J. Xu, F. Gao, Effect of Ti4+ and Pb2+ on negative thermal expansion and polarization behaviors of KSr2Nb5O15: First-principles investigation, Materials Today Communications 38 (2024) 108509.
[9] Y.Z. Chen, K. Wang, G.B. Shan, A. Ceguerra, L.K. Huang, H. Dong, L.F. Cao, S. Ringer, F. Liu. Grain size stabilization of mechanically alloyed nanocrystalline Fe-Zr alloys by forming highly dispersed coherent Fe-Zr-O nanoclusters, Acta Materialia 158 (2018) 340-353.
[10] G.B. Shan, Y.Z. Chen, Y.J. Li, H. Dong, W.X. Zhang, T. Suo, F. Liu. High temperature creep resistance of a thermally stable nanocrystalline Fe-5 at.%Zr steel, Scripta Materialia 179 (2020) 1-5.
[11] G.B. Shan, Y.Z. Chen, M.M. Gong, H. Dong, L. Bo, F. Liu. Influence of Al2O3 particle pinning on thermal stability of nanocrystalline Fe, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 34 (2018) 25-30.
[12] G.B. Shan, Y.Z. Chen, M.M. Gong, H. Dong, F. Liu. Modelling thermodynamics of nanocrystalline binary interstitial alloys, Journal of Materials Science & Technology 4 (2018) 613-619.
[13] G.B. Shan, Y.Z. Chen, N.N. Liang, H. Dong, W.X. Zhang, T. Suo, F. Liu. Irradiation resistance of a thermally stable nanocrystalline Fe-1 at.% Zr alloy, Materials Letters 238 (2019) 261-263.