姓名: 李金华 出生年月:1979.10
学历: 研究生 学位:博士
职称: 副教授 职务:无
联系方式:[email protected]
2004年至2009年:兰州大学 化学化工学院,硕博连读
2000年至2004年:河南师范大学 化学与化工学院,学士
1)J.H. Li*, S.M. Wang. Application of molecular modelling and spectroscopic approaches for investigating the binding of tanshinone IIA to human serum albumin. The Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics,2013, 58: 206-210 (SCI, EI, IF= 2.423)
2)J.H. Li*, S.M. Wang. Molecular spectroscopic on interaction between Methyl hesperidin and Buman serum albumin. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 2013,102: 200-204 (SCI, EI, IF= 2.129)
3)J.H. Li, C.L. Ren, X.L. Liu, Z.D. Hu*, D.S. Xue. “Green” synthesis of starch capped CdSe nanoparticles at room temperature. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2007, 458: 319-322 (SCI, EI, IF= 2.409)
4) C.L. Ren, J.H. Li, J.F. Sun, X.G. Chen*, D.S. Xue, Z.D. Hu. Preparation and characterization of a novel luminescent nanoparticles. Journal of Luminescence, 2010, 130: 65-69 (SCI, EI, IF= 2.367)
5)J.H. Li, X.Y Liu, C.L. Ren, J.Z. Li, F.L. Sheng, Z.D. Hu*. In vitro study on the interaction between thiophanate methyl and human serum albumin. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 2009, 94:158-163 (SCI, EI, IF=2.803)
6) J.H. Li, C.L. Ren, Y.H. zhang, X.Y Liu, X.J. Yao, Z.D. Hu*. Human serum albumin interaction with honokiol studied using optical spectroscopy and molecular modeling methods. Journal of Molecular structure, 2008, 881: 90-96 (SCI, EI, IF=1.599)
7) J.H. Li, C.L. Ren, Y.H. zhang, X.Y Liu, X.J. Yao, Z.D. Hu*. Spectroscopic studies on binding of Puerarin to human serum albumin. Journal of Molecular structure, 2008, 885: 64-69 (SCI, EI, IF=1.599)
8) C.L. Ren, J.H. Li, X.G. Chen*, Z.D. Hu, D.S. Xue. Preparation and properties of a new multifunctional material composed of superparamagnetic core and rhodamine B doped silica shell. Nanotechnology, 2007, 18: 1-6 (SCI, EI, IF= 3.672)
9) C.L. Ren, J.H. Li, Q. Liu, J. Ren, X.G. Chen*, Z.D. Hu, D.S. Xue. Synthesis of organic dye impregnated silica shell coated iron oxide nanoparticles by a new method. Nanoscale Research Letters, 2008, 3: 496-501 (SCI, EI, IF= 2.483)
10) C.L. Ren, J.H. Li, Z.D. Hu, X.G. Chen*, D.S. Xue. Facile way to prepare well dispersed biocompatible γ-Fe2O3 nanoparticles and their properties control. Materials Research Innovations, 2007, 11: 83-87 (SCI, EI, IF= 0.472)