

2017年09月01日 16:16  点击:[]


姓名: 于灵敏                                                                                                   出生年月:1978.6

学历: 博士                                                                                                       学位: 博士

职称:教授                                                                                                        职务:

学院: GG扑克官网                                                                                       联系方式:[email protected]


2005年至2009年:西安交通大学  电子信息与工程学院,博士

2001年至2004年:西安工业大学  GG扑克官网 ,硕士

1997年至2001年:河北理工学院  GG扑克官网 ,学士





2016.12 – 至今: 西安工业大学,教授








[1]国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 62171359, 高分散负载Zn的石墨炔纳米墙可控构筑及可见光激发室温气敏特性研究, 2022-01-01 至 2025-12-31, 57万元, 在研, 主持

[2] 电力变压器油中溶解气体在线监测用高性能乙炔气体传感器研制,陕西省重点研发项目,2021.1-2022.12,2021GY-227,在研,主持。

[3] SF6电气设备分解产物在线监测用SO2传感器的研制, 陕西省高校服务地方专项,2020.1-2021.12,19JC020,在研,主持。

[4] 二维柔性ZnO纳米墙/石墨烯气敏传感器的缺陷协同及拮抗效应研究,国家自然科学基金,2013.1-2015.12,51202177结题,主持。

[5]  ZnO纳米线对爆炸环境下有害气体的敏感性及其机理研究,国家自然科学基金,2011.1-2013.12,51072156,结题,参与(第二完成人)。

[6] 新型手持式室温NO2光电气敏检测仪研制,陕西省科技厅工业攻关项目,2016JY-206,2016.1-2017.12,结题,主持。

[7] 一维复合纳米材料气敏元件研究,陕西省科技厅工业攻关项目,2008k062009.1-2010.12,结题,主持

[8] 介孔SnO2纳米纤维石墨烯的构筑及气敏性能研究” , 浙江理工大学纺织科学与工程浙江省重中之重一级学科“纺织纤维材料与加工技术”国家地方联合重点实验室开放基金, 2015-2016,主持。

[9] 高性能、分立微型化CH4气敏传感器研究,陕西省教育厅自然科学专项,主持人。

[10] 纳米ZnO气敏元件对气体的识别研究,陕西省教育厅自然科学专项,主持人

[11] 掺杂ZnO纳米线对提高CO敏感性及其机理研究, 陕西省教育厅自然科学专项,主持人



[1] 于灵敏,气敏与光催化ZnO基功能材料表面缺陷及界面结构调控机理,陕西高等学校科学技术奖二等奖。2019/02

[2] 于灵敏 金属氧化物半导体纳米材料的制备及对系列毒害气体的气敏研究机理,陕西高等学校科学技术奖二等奖。2016/3

[3]  于灵敏, 金属氧化物/石墨烯气敏材料的表面缺陷和微观结构调控研究,西安工业大学科学技术奖一等奖。2019/01

[4] 于灵敏,介孔SnO2纳米材料-酒敏传感器,中国传感器创新大赛, 三等奖,2014/08

[5] 一维Sn-Ga 共掺杂 ZnO 纳米带的制备及气敏性能研究,第十届西安高新“挑战杯” 陕西省大学生科技作品竞赛三等奖,指导教师:于灵敏,2015/05

[6] 二维柔性 ZnO 纳米墙气敏传感器的制备及气敏性能的研究,第十届西安高新“挑战 杯”陕西省大学生科技作品竞赛三等奖,指导教师:于灵敏,2015/05

[7] 于灵敏,新型二维柔性 ZnO 纳米墙/石墨烯异质结室温NO2可见光光电气敏传感器,中国石墨烯创新创业大赛优秀项目奖,中国石墨烯创新创业联盟。


[1] 一种二维高孔隙率自分散的CO3O4 纳米鸟巢及其制备方法,第一授权人,中国,授权号:ZL 201910162156.2

[2] ZnO纳米墙RGO异质结光电气敏传感器及其制备方法技术,第一授权人,中国,授权号:ZL 201710164282.2

[3] 多层自支撑多孔N掺杂石墨烯及其制备方法,第一授权人,中国,申请号:ZL 201811153841.0

[4]  一种Ga-Sn共掺杂ZnO纳米带及其制备方法,第一授权人,中国,授权号:CN201410036548。

[5] 一种定向生长单晶ZnO纳米墙的水溶液制备方法, 第一授权人,中国,授权号: CN201310652570。

[6] 高灵敏度酒敏气体传感器及其制备方法、介孔SnO2材料的制备方法,第一授权人,授权号:201410500945X。

[7] 一种复合电阻型NH3气敏气体传感器及其制备方法,第一授权人,中国,授权号: ZL 201110000508.8

[8] ZnO/石墨烯异质结气敏传感器及其制备方法,第一授权人,中国,授权号:ZL201510383734.7。


[1] Liaochuan Zhang , Yuyu Liang , Lingmin Yu , Hongjun Wang , Mingli Yin, Activating and modifying the basal planes of MoS2 for superior NO2 sensing at room temperature, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical 359 (2022) 131539.

[2]Li Yuan; Zhang Mingjia; Hu Xiuli; Fan Xinhui; Yu Lingmin Y ; Huang Changshui ; Light and Heat Triggering Modulation of the Electronic Performance of a Graphdiyne-Based Thin Film Transistor, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2020, 11: 1998-2005

[3] Chonghao Hu; Lingmin Yu ; Senlin Li; Mingli Yin; Hongbo Du; Haifeng Li ; Sacrificial template triggered to synthesize hollow nanosheet-assembled Co3O4 microtubes for fast triethylamine detection, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 2021, 355: 131246

[4] Li Yuan, Zhang Mingjia, Hu Xiuli,Yu Lingmin, Fan Xinhui, Huang Changshui, Li Yuliang, Graphdiyne-based flexible respiration sensors for monitoring human health, Nano Today, 2021, 39, 101214.

[5] Li Yuan, Zhang Mingjia,Hu Xiuli, Li Xiaodong, Li Ru,Yu Lingmin, Fan Xinhui, Wang Naiyin, Huang Changshui, Li Yuliang, Graphdiyne Visible-Light Photodetector with Ultrafast Detectivity, Advanced optical materials, 2021,9,6

[6] Liu, Bin, Yu, Lingmin, Zhang, Yonghai , Di Marco, Paolo, Wei, Jinjia, Enhanced Nucleate Pool Boiling by Coupling the Pinning Act and Cluster Bubble Nucleation of Micro-nano Composited Surfaces, International journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 157, 2020, 119979.

[7] Li, Yanni, Zhu, Lei, Yao, Tianhao, Liu, Ting, Qian, Ruifeng, Li, Fang, Han, Xiaogang, Yu, Lingmin*, Wang, Hongkang*, Space-Confined Synthesis of Ultrasmall SnO2 Nanodots within Ordered Mesoporous Carbon CMK-3 for High-Performance Lithium Ion Batteries, ENERGY & FUELS,  2020, 34, 6,7709-7715.

[8] Tunable NH4F-Assisted Synthesis of 3D Porous In2O3 Microcubes for Outstanding NO2 Gas-Sensing Performance: Fast Equilibrium at High Temperature and Resistant to Humidity at Room Temperature ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES2021 13 (12) , pp.14368-14377

[9] Hierarchical flower-like TiO2 microspheres for high-selective NH3 detection: A density functional theory studySENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL2021 345

[10] Activating the Basal Plane of Defective SnS2 Nanosheets for NH3 Gas Sensing ACS APPLIED NANO MATERIALS 20203 (5) , pp.4642-4653

[11] Ultrasensitive Pressure Sensor Sponge Using Liquid Metal Modulated Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Nanosheets, Nano letters, 2022

[12] Electric field controlled CO2 capture and activation on BC6N monolayers: A first-principles study, Surfaces and Interfaces 30 (2022) 101885

[13] High-Performance Electrochemical Nitrate Reduction to Ammonia under Ambient Conditions Using a FeOOH Nanorod Catalyst,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces

[14] A 3D FeOOH nanotube array: an efficient catalyst for ammonia electrosynthesis by nitrite reduction,Chem. Commun. DOI: 10.1039/d2cc00611a

[15]Chen Yang,Yu Lingmin*, et al., Hierarchical flower-like TiO2 microspheres for high-selective NH3 detection: A density functional theory study, Sensors and Actuators B, 2021,345,130303.

[16]Li Yuan, Zhang Mingjia, Hu Xiuli,Yu Lingmin, Fan Xinhui, Huang Changshui, Li Yuliang, Graphdiyne-based flexible respiration sensors for monitoring human health, Nano Today, 2021, 39, 101214.

[17] Liu Nan, Yu Lingmin*, et al.,Tunable NH4F-Assisted Synthesis of 3D Porous In2O3 Microcubes for Outstanding NO2 Gas-Sensing Performance: Fast Equilibrium at High Temperature and Resistant to Humidity at Room Temperature, ACS applied material interface, 2021,13, 12, 14355–14364

[18] Li Yuan, Zhang Mingjia,Hu Xiuli, Li Xiaodong, Li Ru,Yu Lingmin, Fan Xinhui, Wang Naiyin, Huang Changshui, Li Yuliang, Graphdiyne Visible-Light Photodetector with Ultrafast Detectivity, Advanced optical materials, 2021,9,6

[19] Liu, Bin, Yu, Lingmin, Zhang, Yonghai , Di Marco, Paolo, Wei, Jinjia, Enhanced Nucleate Pool Boiling by Coupling the Pinning Act and Cluster Bubble Nucleation of Micro-nano Composited Surfaces, International journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 157, 2020, 119979.

[20]Yuan Li, Mingjia Zhang*, Xiuli Hu, Xinhui Fan,Lingmin Yu* and Changshui Huang*, Light and Heat Triggering Modulation of the Electronic Performance of a Graphdiyne-Based Thin Film Transistor, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2020, 11, 6, 1998–2005.

[21] Li, Yanni, Zhu, Lei, Yao, Tianhao, Liu, Ting, Qian, Ruifeng, Li, Fang, Han, Xiaogang, Yu, Lingmin*, Wang, Hongkang*, Space-Confined Synthesis of Ultrasmall SnO2 Nanodots within Ordered Mesoporous Carbon CMK-3 for High-Performance Lithium Ion Batteries, ENERGY & FUELS,  2020, 34, 6,7709-7715.

[22] Zhang, Bo, Liu, Yaoda , Liang, Tingting, Sakthivel, Thankavel , Yu, Lingmin*, Dai, Zhengfei*, Activating the Basal Plane of Defective SnS2 Nanosheets for NH3 Gas Sensing, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2020,3, 5, 4642-4653

[23]Ma Shuai, Yu Lingmin*, Cao Lei, Li Chun, Yin Mingli, Fan Xinhui, Resistive-type UV-visible photodetector based on CdS NWs/ZnO nanowalls heterostructure fabricated using in-situ synthesis method, Journal of Alloy and Compounds, 2020, 827, 25,  154090.

[24] Li Chun, Yu Lingmin*, Yuan Xiong, Li Yuan et al., Ag nanorods assembled with ZnO nanowalls for near-linear high-response UV photodetectors, Journal of Alloy and Compounds, 2020, 830, 154652.

[25]Li, Chun ; Fan, Xinhui ; Yu, Lingmin; Cui, Le; Yin, Mingli; Li, Yuan; Nan, Ning ; Liu, Nan,A resistive-type UV detector based on ZnO nanowalls decoated by Ag nanowires, Optical materials, 2020, 103 , 109891.

[26] Lichun, Yu Lingmin*, Fan Xinhui, Yin Mingli, Nan Ning, Nucleation density and pore size tunable growth of ZnO nanowalls by a facile solution approach: growth mechanism and NO2 gas sensing properties, RSC advance, 2020,10:3319

[27]HainingMa, LingminYu*, Room temperature photoelectric NO2 gas sensor based on direct growth of walnut-like In2O3nanostructures, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 782,  (2019) 1121-1126.

[28] Yuan Xiong, Yu Lingmin, Direct Synthesis of Upstanding Graphene/ZnONanowalls/Graphene Sandwich Heterojunction and Its Application for NO2 Gas Sensor, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 19, (2019)1–5.

[29] Yu Lingmin*, Lichun,  Optoelectronic gas sensor sensitized by hierarchically structured ZnO nanorods/Ag nanofibers via on-chip fabrication, Material Letters 242 (2019) 71–74

[30] Zhu Yuanyuan, Yu Lingmin, et al.,High-performance gas sensors based on the WO3-SnO2 nanosphere composites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 782(2019)798-795

[31] LijunQi, LingminYu*, An enhanced optoelectronic NO2 gas sensors based on direct growth ZnOnanowalls in situ on porous rGO,  Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 749, (2018) 244-249.

[32]Zongyuan Liu, Lingmin Yu, Fen Guo, Sheng Liu, Lijun Qi, Minyu Shan, Xinhui Fan, Facial development of high performance room temperature NO2 gas sensors based on ZnOnanowalls decorated rGO nanosheets, Applied Surface Science 423 (2017) 721–727

[33] Ling-min Yu, Fen Guo, Zong-yuan Liu, Sheng Liu, Bing Yang, Ming-Li Yin, Xin-hui Fan, Facile synthesis of three dimensional porous ZnO films with mesoporous walls and gas sensing properties,Materials Characterization 112 (2016) 224–228

[34] Lingmin Yu*, Fen Guo, Sheng Liu, Bing Yang, Yanxing Jiang, Lijun Qi, Xinhui FanBoth oxygen vacancies defects and porosity facilitated NO2 gas sensing response in 2D ZnOnanowalls at room temperatureJournal of Alloys and Compounds, 682,  2016  352-356

[35] LingminYu* , Sheng Liu, Jiansong Wei, Man Lei, Xinhui Fan, Sn-Ga co-doped ZnO nanobelts fabricated by thermal evaporation and application to ethanol gas sensors, Materials Letters, Materials Letters 141(2015)79–82.ESI论文1.94%

[36] Yu Ling-min*, Liu Sheng, Yang Bing, Huang Miao-miao, Kang Meng-di, Fan Xinhui, A highly sensitive ethanol gas sensor based on mesoporous SnO2 fabricated from a facile double-surfactant template method, Materials Letters 158(2015)409-412

[37] Lingmin Yu*, Jiansong Wei, Yuyang Luo, Yanlong Tao, Man Lei, XinhuiFan,Wen Yan, Peng Peng, Dependence of Al3+ on the growth mechanism of vertical standing ZnO nanowalls and their NO2 gas sensing properties , Sensors and Actuators B 204 (2014) 96–101

[38] Yu Lingmin* , Fan Xinhui , Lei Man, Wei Jiansong, Jin Yao hua, Yan Wen, Surface analysis of Ga-doped 3D urchin-like ZnO structure and density functional theory investigation of the quenching in photoluminescence property, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 604 (2014) 233–238

[39] LingminYu* , Xinhui Fan, ManLei, JiansongWei, Yao-HuaJin, WenYanInvestigation of tailored planar defects arising from ZnO tetrapods doped with In2O3Materials Letters121(2014)152–155

[40] Yu Lingmin*, Fan Xinhui, Cao Lei, Qi Lijun, Yan WenGas sensing enhancement of aluminum-doped ZnO nanovase structure with many gas facile diffusivity pathsApplied Surface Science 265 (2013) 108– 113

[41] Yu Ling-min* , Fan  Xin-hui, Shui Jing-yi, Cao Lei, Yan Wen Research on the growth of ZnOnanowall by soft-solution routeMaterials Letters 2012 (68) 423–425.

[42] Yu Ling-min* , Fan Xin-hui, Cao Lei,  Shui Jing-yi, Yan WenShape-controlled cluster-growth of ZnO nanoflowers using Sol-Gel method Micro & Nano Letters

[43] Yu Ling min*, Fan Xin hui, Qi Li jun, Ma Li he, Yan Wen, Dependence of morphologies for SnO2 nanostructures on their sensing property, Applied Surface Science, 2011257 (7): 3140–3144

[44] Yu Ling min*, FanXinhui, Qi Lijun, Yan Wen, Field emission property of printed CNTs-mixed ZnO nanoneedles, Applied Surface Science 257 (2011) 6332–6335



地址:陕西省西安市未央大学城学府中路2号 邮编:710021   电话:029-86173326  86173324(本科招生专线)   版权所有:GG扑克官网-GG扑克注册